Musky Water Classifications
Here's some good info from Muskies 101 about musky waters classifications.
According to the Wisconsin DNR: Classifications for angling quality are based on the following criteria:
Class A
These are premiere muskellunge waters, considered by most to provide the best muskellunge fishing. These waters are broken down into two categories, depending on population numbers, size structure, and angling quality of the water.
Class A1
These waters are best known as "trophy waters" for their ability to produce large muskellunge, but overall numbers of muskellunge may be relatively low. But fish that are caught have a larger average size. At certain times when conditions are right, however, these waters can also provide good action.
Class A2
These waters are best known for providing the most consistent angling action, and they have potential to produce some big fish as well. They generally have the best overall numbers of muskellunge, but big fish make up a smaller percent of the total compared to the Class A1 waters.
Class B
This intermediate class consists of waters providing good fishing. In general, angler success and catch rates may be less than in prime waters.
Class C
These waters have fishable muskellunge populations, but they are not of major importance in the total fishery.
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